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Writer's pictureEmanuela Visone

The Balance of Nature: Understanding "Negative" Substances in Your Food

Why do so many of our favorite foods come with a side of suspicion, carrying the label of 'negative substances' that make us question their place in our diet? In our quest for healthier living, we often scrutinize the food we consume with a critical eye, looking for potential pitfalls and hidden dangers. While this is undoubtedly a wise approach to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it's essential to remember that nature has its own way of maintaining equilibrium. Almost every vegetable, grain, or fruit may contain so-called 'negative' substances when analyzed individually. However, if we look at them as part of a holistic diet, it becomes apparent that these substances play an essential role in maintaining balance in the human or animal metabolic process, contributing to overall health.

  1. Cruciferous Vegetables

The cruciferous family, which includes kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage, is celebrated for its extraordinary healing properties and its ability to enhance the body's detoxification mechanisms. However, these vegetables also contain substances that may impact the thyroid gland by reducing natural iodine levels. While this might raise concerns, it's important to understand that when consumed as part of a balanced diet, the benefits of cruciferous vegetables far outweigh any potential drawbacks.

  1. Nightshade Vegetables

Nightshade vegetables, such as bell peppers, cayenne pepper, chili peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, and potatoes, are packed with antioxidants that help the body combat free radicals. Nevertheless, they contain substances that can affect calcium metabolism negatively. The key is moderation and a well-rounded diet to ensure that you receive the benefits of these vegetables without any adverse effects.

  1. Oxalates

Oxalates, organic acids found in foods like beets, okra, parsley, berries, nuts, seeds, and grains, can lead to concerns about kidney stone formation. However, research suggests that there's no need to avoid these healthful foods. In fact, green juices and smoothies containing oxalate-rich ingredients have been found to be protective against kidney stone development.

  1. Salicylates

Salicylates, natural derivatives of salicylic acid present in plants like apples and avocados, act as natural preservatives that protect the plants from diseases. These compounds are a fascinating example of how "negative" substances in food can serve as a defense mechanism, both in plants and potentially in our bodies.

  1. Lectins

Lectins are often viewed with skepticism due to claims that they disrupt digestion. In reality, lectins bind carbohydrates during digestion, slowing their breakdown and reducing the glycemic effects of the food. This can be advantageous for people seeking weight loss and individuals with diabetes. Beans and tomatoes are rich in lectins, but proper preparation, such as soaking and cooking, can minimize any potential concerns.

The Wisdom of Mother Nature

It's essential to understand that these so-called "negative" substances in natural foods are not a mistake of nature. Mother Nature operates with precision, and these substances likely serve a purpose. One of the possible roles is to help the body eliminate excess minerals. Too much of a certain mineral can lead to health problems, and these "negative" substances may play a crucial role in maintaining mineral balance within the body. Rather than eliminating entire food groups or demonizing certain substances, the key to a healthy diet is balance and moderation. Choose foods from nature, alternate between different families of fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, beans, and grains, and enjoy them in various forms - raw, sprouted, or cooked. Embrace the wisdom of Mother Nature and trust that these so-called "negative" substances are part of a delicate, natural equilibrium that contributes to your overall health. By understanding and respecting this balance, you can make informed dietary choices that support your well-being.

If you'd to learn more, please feel free to message or email me.



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Mari D. Lawrence
Mari D. Lawrence
Nov 24, 2023

thanks for sharing

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