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Writer's pictureEmanuela Visone

Taking out the trash - the Detoxification System, all connections lead to the Thyroid.

The following paragraphs are quoted from William Ferril’s M.D. book, The Body Heals.

This information is a summary of the detoxification system and its important organs: kidneys, lungs, skin, liver, and colon. To heal the body from any degenerative condition, one must first support and heal these organs/systems. Sidney Baker, M.D., in his book Detoxification and Healing calls the detoxification system, the sanitation department. He said that 80% of the body’s daily expenditure of energy is devoted to getting rid of waste in the body. He said that it is sobering to realize that most of the molecules we synthesize every day are made for the sake of getting rid of waste molecules.

Using a healthy mostly alkaline diet along with whole food supplements from organic and wild foods sources is the best way to support the most important system in your body: the detoxification system.


Taking out the Trash Water: Detoxification

Some people collect trash in their yards, houses, and cars. Grime is everywhere. So, it is with certain owner’s cells that collect trash water within their body tissues and chambers. These cells are crying out for someone to take out the garbage. Dirty cells lose functional ability. The most powerful trash remover, water, needs the help of certain body organ systems. These organ systems filter out the trash water or recycle it after being purified.

The trash collectors of the body, filters and purifying plants fall under the domain of five organ systems, the lungs, kidneys, liver, skin, and colon.

A common factor occurs, besides water, that determines the functional ability of the six trash removal organs. All six of these organs need adequate thyroid message content. The thyroid message is among the most powerful hormone class. Only the most powerful hormones can directly instruct these organ’s cellular DNA programs (genes). Thyroid message content facilitates infrastructure development activities in the cells of these six organ systems. Failure to recognize this central determinant for trash removal systems has significant health consequences. All six of these organs systems need adequate thyroid message content to function. Inadequate thyroid message content results in prematurely old bodies.

Diminished thyroid function in these six-trash removal organs manifests:

1. In the lungs as decreased ability to increase oxygen delivery under physical stress. Thyroid hormone, in lung tissue, is a determinate of the ability of the lung to respond to increased adrenaline message content.

2. In the kidneys the thyroid level determines infrastructure investment activities of kidney cells. This keeps the kidney tissue from succumbing to filtration pressures, which desire to inflict harm on the delicate epithelium which lines the functional unit of kidney; the nephron.

3. The liver cells are dependent on thyroid message content to direct the investment in the rejuvenation of the liver cell.

4. When thyroid content falls at the level of the skin cell, there are many deleterious changes that ensue including:

a. Dryness, scales, the puffiness of myxedema, and

yellow discoloration.

b. Hair is thin with additional premature grayness.

and brittleness.

c. When these clinical signs occur in the skin, the

less obvious role of the skin in trash removal is also diminished.

5. Low thyroid at the level of the colon manifests clinically as

chronic constipation that causes backward absorption of many putrefaction molecules. These leaking back into the body can eventually overwhelm the ability of the liver to detoxify them and they can spill into the general circulation.

6. In the immune system, diminished thyroid messages content

decreases the ability of immune type cells to consume unwanted cells (cancer, bacteria, viruses, and debris).

Failure to take out the trash, which continuously generates within the cells, can lead to some chronic degenerative diseases such as certain types of arthritis, tumor growths, degenerative skin changes, diminished organ function, and some of the mental deterioration syndromes.

The body has an ongoing problem caused by the toxic waste that spews out of the trillions of cellular factories. Owners who practice habits that improve waste removal strategies have an advantage in the maintenance of physical youth. Owners who stuff their cells with waste begin to look like they feel. Waste products build up in the cells, around the cells, and in the blood stream. External sources of trash add to the internally generated accumulations and increase the overall waste removal burden. Examples of these external trash generators are the increased air pollutants, water pollutants, food adulterants, and toxicities from prescription breakdown products.

A useful metaphor that addresses trash accumulation is found in the rivers, deltas, and lakes of the earth. Only when the river that feeds the deltas and lakes is clean, can downstream entities remain pristine. When factories dump waste into streams and rivers, not only the river is polluted. The downstream deltas and lakes are contaminated as well.

The ongoing problem of cellular trash removal has many of the same challenges. Pristine mountain lakes are like young cells in the non-polluted state. The wilderness river deltas with their delicate ecosystems that depend on clean water are like the spaces between the cells (the interstitial space). The rivers are the recipients of the clean and the polluted tributary waters. River purity and blood stream purity become compromised when ‘factories’ can dump toxins into them. The actions of life create waste that constantly dumps into the blood stream. Unlike the physical world of rivers, deltas, and lakes the body has elaborate cleansing systems built into the waterway system. These elaborate cleansing systems remove toxins and purify wastewater. The ability to remove the ever-generating waste depends on the health of the six organ systems.

Healthy cells are much like pristine mountain lakes. As cells accumulate trash water, secondary to a failure of these trash removal systems, they become like polluted lakes. This process also describes what happens to water that surrounds cells and fluids in the waterways (plasma, lymph, and cerebral spinal fluid). Failure of the trash removal systems in the cells, around the cells, and in the bloodstream causes trash water accumulation. Many health problems arise simply because no one helps these owners heal their six trash removal organ systems.

Body composition is normally (approximately) 67% water. Generous supplies of clean water bathe tissues. Adequate clean water allows the toxins to flush away. Ongoing trash removal enlivens continued health. Some owners accumulate trash water because the capacity of their trash removal systems is diminished. Each of the six trash removal organ systems has unique contributions and abilities. An interrelationship occurs between these sanitation and recycling facilities.

The Kidneys

The kidneys are the filters of fluids that pass through the blood stream. Their job is to decide what to keep and what to discard when the blood passes through the filter. The kidney comprises one of the main trash collectors for the small and electrically charged “dust” particles. Electrically charged atomic dust particles are produced because of combustion of foods. When food metabolizes certain charged particles are created and become the waste product of the cellular factories. This is one type of cellular waste that discharges into the waterways.

These charged particles include acids generated in the process of the combustion of carbohydrates, fat, and some proteins. The lungs remove most of the acid produced during combustion. The kidney is the only place where certain types of acids can exit. When the ability of the kidneys diminishes these acids begin to build up in tissue. The amount of acid in tissue plays a role in determining:

1. How well the enzymatic machinery can function.

2. How vulnerable the cellular architecture is.

3. The energetic charge of the cellular battery.

4. The ability to generate energy.

Diseases like high blood pressure often result from a failure in the mineral balance of the kidney’s trash water removal strategies.

The Lungs

The cellular factories deposit acid in body fluids. The lungs remove most of this acid load in the form of carbon dioxide gas.

Cells need to have the right amount of acid to create the proper electrical environment. Too little carbon dioxide creates the symptoms of light-headedness, numbness around the mouth, and tingling in the fingers. Accelerated breathing (anxiety) is responsible for much of the misery caused by the loss of carbon dioxide.

Healthy lungs preserve health, but there are common lung diseases that occur when there is dysfunction. Diseases that originate in the lungs lead to diminished oxygen transport. Diminished oxygen content leads to an increased likelihood of toxin accumulation. Without oxygen, lactic acid begins to accumulate quickly in the cells. Clinically, lactic acid accumulation evidences itself as sore muscles. It is the job of the liver to remove lactic acid from the blood stream.

The lungs are one of the organs that help take out the trash water. Lungs remove trash water in two ways. They exhale waste gas, carbon dioxide from the blood stream. They deliver oxygen to the tissues that is necessary to incinerate the constantly generated trash in cells.

The Skin

The skin the largest organ system of the body. The skin not only removes certain types of trash, but also protects the body from outside trash entering. The skin is a protective barrier and a trash water excretion organ.

When the skin stays healthy, it facilitates the kidney’s job of toxin removal through the act of perspiration. Perspiration allows the kidney to obtain backup help for the removal of the many toxins and mineral imbalances. Daily perspiration is good for these reasons.

The Liver

The liver serves multiple roles in the body. The tasks of the liver can be arranged into five main groups.

1- Disarm and remove toxins.

2- Controls the availability of fuel in the bloodstream.

3- Facilitates the assimilation of fat into the body.

4- Storing and releasing minerals, vitamins, and hormones.

5- Manufacture and release transport proteins in the blood stream.

Each of these five main liver tasks is fundamental to healthy. Longevity requires that all five of these liver tasks perform at efficient rates.

The Colon

The colon is the chemical reaction chamber for the nutritional remnants still in the meal. In addition to finishing the digestive process, the colon is essential in taking out the trash. Constipated people do not take out the colon trash very well. On the opposite extreme are those owners who have chronic diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea means that the body discards important minerals, water, nutrients, and vitamins with the trash. On top of this backdrop of colon tasks are the unique requirements of the healthy colon being colonized by helpful bacteria.

It is particularly important for overall body health that the colon contains ample friendly bacteria. These bacteria produce many B-vitamins and vitamin K.

If one of the colon functions is not working correctly, health consequences occur. When the colon becomes compromised in its ability to perform the necessary trash removal, the wrong bacteria start to inhabit the colon. Yeast organisms can over grow leading to a weak immune system.

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