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Enzymes: What do they do?

Enzymes are contributory in every process of the human body. In fact, we cannot exist without them. They assist us to digest all our food by converting it to a size and form small enough to pass through the cellular walls of the intestines into the bloodstream. Then, enzymes in the blood enable prepared and digested food to be converted into muscles, nerves, blood, and glands. Enzymes assist in the storage of sugar in the liver and muscles, and enable fat to be turned into fatty tissue. Enzymes aid in the formation of urea, which will be eliminated as urine and also in the elimination of carbon dioxide in the lungs. There is a particular enzyme that molds phosphorus into bone and nerve tissue, and another to help bind iron to red blood cells. Male sperm carry enzymes that dissolve the tiny crevices in the female egg membranes, so that a sperm may gain entrance into the ovum. Blood clots are dissolved by an enzyme called "streptokinase." Our immune system use enzymes to attack waste materials and poisons in the blood and tissues. The examples listed demonstrate the vital necessity of enzymes to our everyday bodily functions, Howell IX.1 The number of enzymes in the body is said to exceed 100,000, yet each one has a specific and differing function, for example: A protein digestive enzyme will not digest a fat, a fat digestive enzyme will not digest a starch. This is called "enzyme specificity." It can be said that enzymes act highly intelligent when it comes to their activity and functions. Substances are changed by enzymes into other substances, either chemical or a type of by-product, but remain unchanged themselves. The substance acted upon by an enzyme is called a "substrate." The enzyme changes the substrate from its original identity to another substance with a different identity. Enzymes are responsible for many biochemical miracles that promote life.

Digestive enzymes need minerals to do their job well in the digestive tract.  So if the minerals are not micro-blended with the enzymes capsule, it will take a lot longer to digest foods because the enzymes will search for minerals to attach to so they can do their job in the gut.  The digestive enzymes I recommend are very effective because they are micro blended with the organic micro algae which is 23% chelated minerals so the enzymes can directly start to digest the cooked foods. 

References: 1. Food Enzymes for Health Longevity, By Dr. Edward Howell-Introduction by Viktoras Kulvinskas, Published by omangod Press, 1986. Article is paraphrased from the book: Food Enzymes by Humbart Santillo, N.D., pgs. 3-4.

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